Phone: 443-620-3616


The ADHD diagnostic test, QB Check, is a comprehensive tool designed to assess symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in individuals accurately. Utilizing advanced technology to measure attention, impulsivity, and activity levels, the test provides a detailed, objective analysis of behavior patterns. This valuable insight aids healthcare professionals in diagnosing ADHD, allowing for more tailored and effective treatment plans.

QB check test and its use

The QB Check test is a specialized diagnostic tool used to assess symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adults. It involves a computerized test that measures attention, impulsivity, and motor activity by having the individual perform a series of tasks while their movements are tracked by a high-precision camera. The resulting data is compared against normative data, providing clinicians with objective insights that aid in accurately diagnosing ADHD and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment interventions.